Daddy’s Diversions {1}


Before bedtime stories and prayers, we play spies.


As you can see, this is very serious business.


I am so very blessed by a very creative husband.

When you wait a little to long for a doctor’s appointment, when you find unwanted pickles on the burger that you ordered.. he’s your guy. Daddy’s Diversions.

Maybe these diversions can help you, too.

For this one, when the kids are a little rowdy before bed…

1. You turn off all the lights.

2. You tell them to wait quietly behind the couch.

3. Daddy hides two objects.

4. Daddy comes in and tells them riddles about where to find them.

5. You give the oldest a flashlight.

6. They have to sneak around the house and locate the objects.

7. Daddy walks around slowly, making beeping noises.

8. They have to make it back to the couch and they earn five extra reading minutes before lights out.

**Daddy not included.

I’ll share these over the next few months, because they have kept one mommy sane on very insane days.