Dear Julia, (because someday you will read this)

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My oldest, you are a treasure to me. You have been a source of absolute joy and peace these past months.

As I battled morning sickness, you cooked dinners and sang to Riley.

As I battled anxiety, your singing and piano playing brought beautiful music into this house.

As I wonder what the future holds, your smile and heart makes me giddy to see what another little girl will look like in my life.

I’ve known my share of amazing people – people from Custer Road that became ministers, people from St. Mary’s at A&M that became priests and sisters, people from Ville de Marie Academy that pour their life into the education of little ones, your grandmothers and grandfathers and great-grandmother, people who blog just to raise money and awareness for beautiful causes, and your father.

You have a heart for God like no one I have ever met before. You love Him so completely. Your choice in music and television and books is stunning. You only let beauty into your life, but you love the hurting and lonely with a passion I’ve never seen before.

I am so honored to watch your life unfold.

Thank you for loving your family so dearly. I would not be the same person without you.

Forever grateful,
