Disneyland {Arrival}


We left out early Sunday morning.

I like to drive.

scratch that.

I need to drive.

I am a little strange and don’t like when other people drive.

After all, I am a Ninja Mom and I need to be in control in case we have two requests from the backseat at the same time… or traffic in the HOV lane abruptly stops at 8:15am on a Sunday morning… or if the lady at Starbucks is not used to my usual order.

These are all very valid reasons. Carry on.


{Photo Credit:  Daddy}

This was our destination.

Six and a half hours later, we pulled in and we were immediately greeted by mom and dad.

See that cute Converse shoe at the top left of the picture? That’s mom’s shoe! She is the cutest.

That’s what happens when you are 5’1″ and teach 7th grade in inner city Houston. She rocks the Converse.


{Photo Credit:  Daddy}

She was so happy to be out of the car. Poor thing. It’s hard having a little brother sometimes.

Not that I would know… Love you, BJ!


{Photo Credit:  Daddy}

Our view was amazing.

We were in heaven. The kids spent so much time just sitting at that window staring out.

I am the same age mom was and Julia is the same age I was when I went to Disneyland for the very first time. (Does that make sense?)

This was the second time the kids have been.

I was so nervous that it wouldn’t be as great / exciting / wonderful / magical as the first time.

Why do I worry? Goodness gracious.

It was all of that and more.

Most of all, it was time with my parents. Time to just relax and be.

Time to just be me; the best magic of all.


{Photo Credit:  Daddy}

We ate at ESPN in Downtown Disney that night for dinner.

Kate’s very official rating system:
Why:  It was close to the hotel
Food:  Pretty Good
Service:  Pretty Good
Comments:  The wait was horrible. (You know I don’t complain lightly… the one hour and fifteen minute wait turned into two and a half hours… tough on the littles and the hungry mama) 


We headed back to the hotel and watched the fireworks from the room.

Seriously awesome.


We checked a few emails, got the kids to bed and crashed.

As I closed my eyes that night, I remembered my birthday was the next day.

I thought about very important things… would I get a Disneyland birthday pin? would I get steak for dinner? Would my kids ever fall asleep?

Mr. B brought the iPad over and we watched an episode of Parks and Rec together.

To be continued…
