Disney Kids Preschool Playdate

Disclosure: I was sent an incredible box full of sunshine to facilitate a Disney Kids Preschool Playdate. All opinions are my own.

Disney Kids Preschool Playdate #DisneyKids

The Disney Parks Team really knows how to throw a party! They are always coming up with the most amazing ways to celebrate and bring families together!

I’ve been wanting to host a play date for my MOPS table for a while, but just had not gotten around to putting it together. I wanted to introduce my table members from last year to my table members from this year! MOPS stands for Mothers of PreSchoolers. I seriously don’t know what I would do without them.

Anytime I have questions or need encouragement, this is my home team. It has been a long time since I had a preschooler running around. Nate is eleven, and I’m pretty sure I’ve forgotten most details of the whats, whys, and how longs. These girls are a blessing. Not to mention, Riley has a blast whenever he sees them! A house full of giggle and laughter is just what I needed to kick off this holiday season!

When I received the box, I knew this was the perfect excuse to gather all of my favorite preschoolers!

Disney Kids Preschool Playdate #DisneyKids

The box was full of amazing treats and surprises. The kids colored and played soldiers outside. And of course, they asked to put on Frozen at one point. I remember Cars being the defining Disney cartoon for Julia and Nate. I think that Frozen will be the defining cartoon for Riley. He loves every song!

We snacked on Crunchmaster treats and at the end of the party, we drew prizes and passed out the Mega Bloks® and Disney puzzles to our guests.

I am so glad we took the time to have a get together before Thanksgiving, so that I could love on the moms that keep me going!