Disneyland {Day 2, Con’t. Again}


Toy Story Mania 3D

The wait was an hour and 1/2.

Totally, totally worth it.

Basically you ride in these cars and you shoot stuff carnival style.

Mom and I were a team. I was SURE we dominated. SURE.

But then I saw Mr. B’s score.

THEN I saw Uncle BJ’s score. I think he beat me by a factor of three. Trouble.

There will be a rematch.

With skee ball and my mad skillz.


We spent the day in California Adventure.

It was great.

The knowledge that my family was leaving early the next morning made me want to just soak in every second.



We watched every show.

I couldn’t take pictures of the Aladdin Musical, but wow. Amazing.

You have to see it.

Singing and dancing and stuff. Live. Heaven.

This was the Incredible’s Live Street Show. It was amazing too. I really, really want one of those wigs. I seriously think it would help me with the laundry.


Here they come! My troopers.

Why are daddy’s shoulder’s so strong? Because they hold up my love.

Have a great day!


To be cont.