Disneyland – Day 3

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So, we’ve been blessed. We’ve gone to Disneyland a few times – and I realize that is not everyone’s normal. Through different conferences, and parents that absolutely love seeing the grand kids enjoy Disneyland, we have been able to visit the happiest place on earth more than our fair share.

Every time I go, I know that it might be the last time I am there and I try to treasure every second.

On past trips, we’ve had a very specific plan – which line we were going to get it, what ride we were going to run to first, and how many water bottles we were going to drink every hour. (No really, dad likes a P-L-A-N).

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This trip, we decided to take it a different speed. We wanted to experience Disneyland how Walt Disney experienced Disneyland. Where did he eat? Where was his favorite place to watch the parade? What were his favorite rides?

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{Breakfast at the Jolly Holiday}

We took it slow and savored the parades. We didn’t get the park hopper tickets this time. We decided to spend two days in Magic Kingdom and one day in California Adventure. In hindsight, this may be my favorite trip. The only thing I would have changed was having Brian there.

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I love the gardens, and this trip I really gave myself permission to stop and take eleventy billion pictures of flowers.

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When the older kids were getting a little bored with our pace, dad or BJ would take them on one of the thrill rides. Riley would enjoy some cotton candy and all was well.

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We stomped on the bubbles that other guests were blowing by. We walked down the paths that were hidden and a little less traveled. We watched the Mark Twain go by and we cooled off in the Tiki Room. It was good.

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I really like this pace. I’m noticing in my life in general, I like slowing down. I’m not sure why – getting older? having a toddler? Well, anyways, we only rode a handful of rides but when I got to the hotel that night, I was still smiling.