Disneyland – Day 4

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We spent the day at California Adventure. It is so perfect for Riley. It has Woody and Buzz and Lightning McQueen. He is just in heaven.

I loved the movie Cars. When I first saw the movie, the company I worked for was going through our first acquisition (of many more to come). I was involved in discussions that tied my stomach in knots every day for months. We had a massive discussion about layoffs versus furloughs, 401Ks versus raises, and everything else that affects people’s families at the end of the day.

I was feeling brave, nostalgic, and hopeful that day. I thought maybe I could break through and change some minds. We were asked our opinion and we knew that it was one of those times we weren’t really being invited to say anything, but I took that opening. I passionately spoke of how we have two choices in life – we can take the road that gets us somewhere faster or we can take the road that has a few detours. Those detours involve slowing down and really looking people in the face and getting to know them. Those detours have a few bumps, but they have amazing sunsets and outstanding cherry limeades. Those detours remind us that they are names behind numbers.

I have a  soft spot for that movie. It reminds me that getting there the fastest isn’t my goal in life.


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When I look up and see my daddy interacting with my kids, all is right with the world. I can remember when I was little thinking his hands must be the biggest hands of any daddy in the entire world. Watching his long fingers play the guitar would mesmerize me.

Now, I watch him cradle Riley’s face in his hand, and I’m taken right back to those days.

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I’m pretty sure this place will always hold a very special place in my heart.