Disneyland Day One

Disneyland Hotel - Kate Eschbach Photography

We made it to California! And guess what?! I didn’t have to pull over to stop any fighting.

Best. Trip. Ever.

I am here for the Type-A Conference and I made the family come with me so I didn’t have to drive by myself. I’m thoughtful like that 🙂

We decided to spend the day just hanging out here at the Disneyland Hotel. I’m so glad we decided that! Brian found an awesome Mexican food restaurant on the way into town and we just took our time and didn’t rush. I have a feeling that had a lot to do with the great behavior. When I rush, I can be just a wee bit bossy.

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We just hung out at the pool and ate a casual dinner. Brian put Riley to bed and I took Julia and Nate out to wander Downtown Disney. We knew Riley would fall asleep faster without all the distractions.

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Nate let me try fun photography experiments with him while Julia looked for the perfect shirt. He is such a good sport. (I told him to make a mad face – and this is what I got – pretty cute, huh?)

Disneyland Hotel - Kate Eschbach Photography

We had a beautiful walk back to the hotel. I just love being here. I can’t help but smile at the music and the people. I know, I know – so silly – but it really is the happiest place on earth.

This morning, when we arrived, Goofy was in the lobby. Riley was first in line to meet him and just gave him the biggest hug. For the rest of the day, Riley yelled, “Goofy, where are you?” whenever we walked into the lobby. So, if you are here for the conference and you see a sweet little redhead walking around the lobby looking for Goofy, that’s us!

I can’t wait to meet you all! And remember – I like to hug people. You’ve been warned.

