Do we really have to go back to real life?


Thank you for being patient with me as I share the pictures from our wonderfully long two week vacation.


I feel strange still talking to you about Christmas, but I don’t want to rush through and just file my memories away. Does that make sense?

Picnik collagea

My brother just purchased his first home! I am so very happy for him!

He wanted to have us over for breakfast on Christmas morning. It was so perfect. {In other words, I didn’t have to wake up and cook!}

Then, he surprised us and asked if he could give us our presents right there to start off the day.

He had each person sit in a chair and he walked up behind them with their present. He explained why he bought the present and what each person meant to him.

Ugh. Tears. The sweetest way to start off the day ever.

Great Grandma was still in the hospital and we were all a little on edge.

This helped unite us all and filled us each with love and thankfulness for each other.

Thank you, BJ. You rock. As usual.

P.S. Julia liked this tradition so much, she insisted on doing it all day long.
