Easy Stovetop Mac and Cheese with Bacon – #15MinuteSuppers

Kate Eschbach Photography-2ac

Joining the fifteen minute supper group has been so fun for me!

This week, I learned how to make homemade mac and cheese. It is super easy. If I can do it – you can, too! I am absolutely a beginner cook. I still have a long way to go, but if I come up with something that my family eats and likes – I will absolutely share it with you.

Kate Eschbach Photography-3a

Pre-Heat your oven to 375 degrees and start your water boiling for the pasta.

In a small saucepan, melt the butter.

Add the flour slowly until completely mixed with the butter.

By now, your oven should be pre-heated, so get that bacon in there! Check your water and start boiling that pasta.

Now, add your milk and cheese to the butter / flour mixture about 1/4 cup at a time. You will magically see this amazing yummy cheese sauce appear. Use a fork to keep on whisking everything together.

Drain your pasta. Pull out your bacon.

Nope, I didn’t add any salt because the bacon did a nice job of that for me.

Replace the pasta in the bowl. Add the cheese sauce to the pasta and stir. Try not to sit down on the floor and start eating without your family.

Cut your bacon. Spoon mac and cheese into bowls. Sprinkle bacon on top. Yell at your kids to get the drinks and voila! Fifteen minutes!

The kids all liked it (that is 3 out of 3). My husband, who does not usually like mac and cheese, had seconds! What?!

Easy Stovetop Mac and Cheese and Bacon Recipe template

15 Minute Suppers

Today, the #15MinuteSuppers bloggers have teamed up to bring you macaroni and cheese supper ideas in only 15 minutes. So, while the kids are having their plain mac&cheese you can dress yours up and create something more supper worthy! Have you been enjoying all these delicious and quick meals every Friday Our goal is to help you get a meal on your table in less time than you could get take out or order a pizza.

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and look for the #15MinuteSuppers hashtag too

You have to check out these delicious 15 Minute Suppers:

White Cheddar Mac and Cheese with Grilled Chicken and Apples from Better in Bulk
Bacon Cheeseburger Mac & Cheese from Lizzie Jane Baby
Veggie Macaroni and Cheese from Just 2 Sisters
Mac n Cheese with Pepper and Bacon from Sunshine and Sippy Cups
Easy Stovetop Mac and Cheese with Bacon from Songs Kate Sang
Buffalo Chicken Macaroni and Cheese from Around My Family Table

If you are a blogger and you’d like more info, please check out the 15 Minute Suppers website or ask to join the Facebook group to participate on Fridays…we’d love to have you join us.

A few of the #15MinuteSuppers bloggers have joined together to help spread the word about this new project we are working on.

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