Easy Summer Fruit Dip {June is Dairy Month at Safeway} #JuneDairyMovies


Sweet Baby J was away at camp all week.

I am so glad for her to finally be home!


For a special treat, I decided to make her favorite fruit dip tonight.

She was a little tired, so we went for something easy, fast and perfect to go with fruit.



I stocked up on dairy products earlier this week because our Safeway is having June Dairy Month!

Have you heard about this deal?! The deal is this: If you buy 40$ worth of participating dairy products within the month of June, you can earn 2 free movie admissions to see Ice Age in the theater!

June dairy month


Julia chose this tea cup to fill to the brim with the dip and eat her grapes and strawberries. A perfect, yummy summer treat!

Recipe for Easy Summer Fruit Dip

Like this recipe? Find tons more easy family recipes at easyhomemeals.com. You may also find them on Facebook here.

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