Etsy Tips: Packaging your Item

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Last month, we talked about Etsy Tips:  Photographing your Item.

Today, let’s talk about packaging your item!

Receiving something in my mailbox is so fun for me.

And receiving something in my mailbox that is a lovely package will make me smile, capture my complete attention and most importantly – make me remember you!

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Vintage Grey does an amazing job at packaging!

I open the carefully handwritten package and I find my items wrapped in tissue paper and a sweet thank you.

Then, I open the tissue to find my items looking like a beautiful present inside a present! I am smitten. By the time I have opened my package, I feel like it actually is my birthday.

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It’s all about what we talked about last time…

You want your customers to have that memorable ‘in store’ experience.

Take a minute and think about the store front you would have.

  • Would it be crisp and clean?
  • Would you slip a little sample of a product in your customer’s bag at checkout as a nice surprise when they got home?
  • Would there be cute, whimsical displays showing them how they could use your item in their home?

Whatever you dream, translate that into your packaging!

You can bet your bottom dollar that I will remember this packaging and order from Vintage Grey again!

What is your favorite store to receive a package from? Is it the packaging that seals the deal for you?

Disclaimer:  vintage grey does not know who I am. I just really, really liked their presentation and it inspired me to share that with you!