This year, Julia is at a different school.
It was a big decision for our family. This meant that Nate began school almost two full weeks before Julia did. We didn’t have the traditional first day of school pictures, which completely threw me off my game. This picture may or may not be Nate’s first day. I’m not telling.
Riley misses them so much while they are at school. He really got used to them being home over the summer.
Did I ever tell you about the “first” summers my kids were born? If I have, I’m sorry – I’m getting old in my old age. I’m gonna tell you again, OK?
The summer after Julia was born, I experienced my first lay off. Money was so tight. We were already living in government housing. Brian was still in school and my job was customer support. Momma’s surprise weekend trips with a car full of groceries were a blessing I will never take for granted. The summer after Nate was born, I experienced my second layoff. We had just moved to Denton, Texas and we lived on spaghetti and beans.
And this past year, I walked away from my job voluntarily. I walked away to be a dream chaser. What I didn’t realize, was that although I thought God was asking me to be a full time photographer, it was Riley. God was preparing my summer to be open for Riley.
Don’t you love how you can look back and see His plan more clearly?
Do you have a story like that? I’d love to hear it!