A game developer, a priest, or something else…

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Tonight, after dinner, Nate and I had the rare chance to just sit at the table alone and talk. It was so nice just to hear his thoughts. He would like to be a game developer, a priest, or … (I just cannot remember the third one –  because I was so intrigued by the first two).

A game developer – Brian, my dearest, works in software. He has been helping Nate learn to program. They’ve had a blast working on Betas for new games together. He has picked it up so quickly, it will be very interesting to see what he decides to do.

A priest – He has always had a huge heart for God, so I am not surprised to hear that he has thought about becoming a priest. I can remember when he was five and he was chosen to play David in a play. He had to climb onto a ladder and he had always been so careful with heights. That day, he climbed up, so proud and didn’t even look nervous for one second.

He has always had this confident bravery that is balanced with the sweetest love for any animal or person he meets.

I am so honored to be in the audience watching him become a Godly man. I cannot wait to see what path he takes.

Have a blessed day!
