Glimpses into Grandma Camp {Day 3}


Aunt Margaret’s house…

One item on the kids list for summer camp was to go to Aunt Margaret’s house.

They love to swim and make cookies!


My sweet daddy with my babies.

Then, on their way home…


Dad can find any car show in a 50 mile radius.

Did I ever tell you that my dad collected VW Bugs growing up?

Yes, I said collected.

We had 8 at one time. My favorite was this color red.

1966 VW_Parade_JKT_JAT_KAT_MET_Plano Tx

Can you believe I found that picture? Yeah, me either!

This was dad’s 1966 VW Bug. I think I was in 5th grade?

We drove it in the 4th of July Parade that year… (yup, that’s me in the back seat).

My other favorite VW Bug was a yellow lemon convertible. We drove to the YMCA to go swimming in that one. Good times.


Happy Tuesdays my friends!

~ Kate