Grace undeserved


Grace – the unmerited favor my heart longs for.

A few weeks ago, I had volunteered to bring a new mamma food one evening. I sat down at 6:30 pm on the couch, leaned back to relax, and then panicked. I realized I had completely forgotten. I quickly found her telephone number and called to apologize and excuse my way out of forgetfulness.

She reassured me immediately – telling me that they had just woken up from a long nap and that it was perfect timing.

I ran out the door to get takeout for her. I could not find parking, so I gave up and pulled around to a valet. I explained my situation and he insisted that I just pull up and park there by the valet stand for no charge. I ran into the restaurant and a woman noticed my hurried demeanor. She asked if everything was ok and I shared my story with her. She asked everyone in front of us if I could cut in line to grab my takeout order. Everyone was so kind and genuine and joked with me about the situation.

When I arrived at her house with the food, they made me feel like I was a hero – not a forgetful mess.

The next day, when the situation was reversed and I was the one put out by a friend, my first reaction was all about me.

My heart whispered grace into the moment, reminding me of the evening before. Three times, I had been given grace. I pray that my heart multiplies this gift to others, especially this season.

I hope you have a wonderful day, friends. Be sure to pour out grace – undeserved, unmerited, sweet, perfect grace – on all those you encounter.

With love,
