All Hallows Eve – 2017

Celebrating All Hallows Eve – This year our crew consisted of Meg from Hercules (Julia), Shirley Temple (Mary Alice), and a clown (Riley). Riley basically just wanted any excuse to have his hair sprayed green.

All Hallows Eve Meg

It was a beautiful night with our annual tradition of chili and cornbread, friends and neighbors, kids running in every direction, and wonderful memories.

Nate decided to go with our neighbor at the last minute after all. He dressed as an every original Rugby player.

It’s hard to believe this is Julia’s last year in high school. It’s hard to believe that this might be our last time all dressing up together. The funniest part is, we didn’t even start dressing up for All Hallows Eve until we moved to Arizona. I grew up not participating in Halloween activities, so I just figured that is how my own family would work. And now, I’m gonna miss it.

Julia did an amazing job putting her costume together out of her closet. She always amazes me at her thoughtful designs that turn out perfectly!

A few weeks ago, Julia took Riley shopping at thrift stores for a costume. When they got back, he told me how much fun he had. They came back with one bottle of green hair spray and no costume. It took four days to wash out and it made me smile every single day. Worth it.

I wish I had gotten a better picture of Mary Alice. But it was late and she is two, so you get what you get and you don’t throw a fit.

And I can’t leave out Julia’s dear friend Julia. Can you believe this makeup? It is absolutely incredible! Awesome job, Julia!

I love this little All Hallows Eve tradition of ours. It always makes for a special evening!