Happy Mother’s Day from Baby Girl…



Aside from the gentle, kind encourager, she remains the unyielding example of strength in my life.

Her many hats have included hair-clip maker, cupcake baker, school teacher, Sunday-school teacher, field trip goer, sleepover chaperon and so many more.

She teachers 7th grade English and has since before I was born.

She has taught in the inner city, where her 7th graders dwarfed her almost 5’1” frame.

She has given countless hours of tutoring, debate coaching, spelling bee judging, bus loading coordinating, fundraiser volunteering and even learned a dance for a pep rally a few years ago.

What makes her powerful?

Her example. Her absolute dedication to loving children.

A few years ago, we learned of some very sad circumstances in our extended family. Four children, aged 12-17, were going to be split up and put in foster care.

Without any hesitation, mom and dad opened their finally grown home to these teens… Four Teenagers.

For over a year, they reentered the teenage years full of physicals, parent-teacher conferences, updating shot records, after school concerts, homework, and the never ending laundry.

This wasn’t a bake sale over the weekend or a retreat they had to coordinate. This was a day in and day out job of tough love, hurt feelings, sarcasm and tears.

The good news?

It has ended in a family that has been reunited, healed, strengthened and changed.

I love hearing the phone ring when I am at her house and the four kids still asking for Aunt Beth.

They still call her, almost three years later, for advice and encouragement.

Not everyone gets to share their mom with four other children and thousands of past and present 7th graders, but I am so thankful I do.

I love you mom.

Baby Girl

**Thank you for reading the excerpt above from a post written in December**


I am linking up with Wendy over at Tales from the Motherhood to celebrate my mom on Mother’s Day…

What is your best childhood memory with your mom?

One of my favorite memories is baking with mom. I can remember ice cream cone cupcakes and coca cola cake. She always let me help and was so very patient with me.

Was she consistent in her discipline?

Very. Goodness gracious. I had to apologize to her, my father and God every time. Whew. No wonder I was such a great kid – ha.

Did you ever make your mom cry because you were so unruly or disobedient?

Sadly, yes. I can remember arguing with her. I could be so ugly.

Do you remember any of the special things your mom did for you?

Yes! Birthdays were always huge. She always had a present waiting on your special day at the kitchen table for you. She made the entire day about you!

Holidays were always amazing. Full of company and laughter.


Thank you, Wendy for the opportunity to share what I love about mamma!