Horton Creek Trail – Payson, AZ

Going up north to get out of the heat will always be one of my favorite things. It truly saves my sanity and reconnects everyone.

A few weeks ago, we tried a new hike – Horton Creek. I’m not exactly sure how it happened, but we managed to get away with me wearing flats instead of tennis shoes. That morning, I filled up the car and grabbed donuts for everyone. When I got back home, I was busy making sure we had sunscreen, hats, snacks, and water and completely forgot to change shoes.

Brian and the littles stayed with me at the top of the trail and it was perfect. There was a campground at the top of the trail and we had it all to ourselves! We explored and waited for Julia, Nate, and Riley.

These precious little ones keep me grounded in the strangest time I’ve ever lived through. They run and jump and find sticks and play with rocks. They notice the hummingbirds and the yellow leaves. They smile at the sky and remind me that there is good to be found.

I have so many wishes for you. Did you know that I pray for you? Yes. Anyone reading this – you are prayed for. I pray that there is someone in your life that reminds you to look up and find the beauty all around you.

I pray that we use this time to make someone else’s day better. I pray that we stop pointing fingers and start figuring out how to live with each other again. I pray that we remember that our actions are the only actions we can control. I pray that we remember that there is one that will never let us down and His name is Jesus.