
Kate's iPhone 021

I am in luv with my new phone. {Thank you, Mom!}

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Have you heard of Instagram?

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It’s just a fun way to share pictures you take with your phone! It’s that simple.

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Can you believe these were taken with a phone? I am still in shock.

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I hope you guys have a wonderful weekend!

We will be getting ready for Sweet Baby J’s birthday party tomorrow night.

28 girls. the pool. pizza. music.

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Nate the Great and Mr. B will be headed to a movie.

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If you want to come help with the party, I will pay your plane ticket. It’s true.

Just try me.

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I love nice people. Just sayin’

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African Violets warm my heart {Love you, Grandma T!}

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Gussy, your fabric are amazing! I took market totes to my besties for my getaway weekend.

They were a huge hit!

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I hope you have a wonderful, blessed weekend.

I love you all.
