About – Songs Kate Sang

Established 2008

Life is a song, sing it. – Mother Theresa

Hi there and welcome to Songs Kate Sang! My name is Kate Eschbach.

I am mom to five children with a seventeen year age span. Changing diapers and thinking about kiddos leaving the nest happen at the same time in my home. Encouraging moms in the everyday is something I am absolutely passionate about. I share our days as a living scrapbook for my family. I include recipes, crafts, reviews, and photography tips. Our struggles with miscarriage, our beautiful adoption journey, and our newest little miracles are chronicled on the blog.

I am the wife of a lovely husband, mother to five wonderful children, photographer of everyday moments, daughter of Jesus, blogger and friend. I began the blog in 2008 as a way to stay in touch with my sweet family back in Texas when we moved to Scottsdale, Arizona.

If you can believe it, in 2021 our family moved back to Texas and now we are closer to family and so thankful to be able to spend more time with them!

You can always reach me at kate.eschbach at gmail.com.

Podcast: Tripping Over the Saints



Topics – Word of the Year, Noticing Goodness, The Blogging Life, 10-Step Examen for Social Media Users,  Tripping Over the Saints

Audience – It has been my privilege to speak to audience of young women and mothers online and in person! I love encouraging them in their present vocations.


Podcast Guest:

iHeartRadioKate, our co-owner, sat down with Billy Harfosh and spoke with him about Scottsdale Moms Blog and why we are so passionate about helping moms new to our community.

Truce Talksthe need to build a community, and the value that a network of mothers can bring

Dewing VirtueTripping Over the Saints, Motherhood, and St. Dymphna

Moms in the MiddleIn this episode, I talk with podcast host, Kate Eschbach, about her journey into the Catholic Church and how her life was forever changed when she literally tripped over a saint. A very pregnant Kate tripped over a prayer card of St. Dymphna as she walked into her bedroom. They prayer card written in Spanish appeared out of now where and led Kate on a beautiful journey to learn more about St. Dymphna, who is the patron saint of mental illness. Connecting with St. Dymphna encouraged and inspired Kate as she encountered challenges in her family life.


Voyage PhoenixLife and Work with Kate Eschbach

This blog started as a scrapbook of sorts, and has led me down the path of launching a professional photography career, connecting with moms who inspire me every day to love completely, and allowed me to share my secrets and opinions with you! 

I love encouraging people – “Friendship is born at that moment when one man says to another: “What! You too? I thought that no one but myself . . .”” ― C.S. Lewis 

Thank you for stopping by and singing along with me!

Photos and copyright: If you like my photography, that is wonderful! I am so very flattered. Please do not copy the image for your own use. If you would like to use the image, just email me and I’ll be glad to provide you a copy of the image with my watermark on it.

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