Last Flag Football Practice…


I am going to miss flag football practice.

While my son was busy tackling and running, Sweet Baby J and I have been taking walks around the field.

I have missed walking so much. In Texas I had two faithful walking buddies ~ hello Aimee and Heidi! I miss you guys!

I’ve learned all about Julia’s teacher, how fun gaga ball in PE is and how all 5th grade girls think Selena Gomez is the bees knees.


I’ve been able to work on my photo skills.

Hello, Mr. Hummingbird!


I waited patiently all season for this little guy to hold still enough for me to get a picture!


I also captured this silly specimen.



I’m going to miss practice.

I love those things in life that force me to be present, to enjoy watching those moments that are far too fleeting.

Have a great day!
