Learning to tie our shoes

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Riley has been asking to learn to tie his shoes.

The other day he asked, “Mom, are you tired of teaching me how to tie?”. It was a complete gut check. I don’t think I’ve said anything to him, but it is quite possible that he’s picked up on my feelings when he’s asked for help for the 42nd time that day.

I never want any of my kids to feel like there is something more important than teaching them and helping them.

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We found a few videos online (I watched them first just to be sure they were appropriate), and he sat at Brian’s desk. He was so pumped to use daddy’s headphones. He watched that video at least ten times in a row. It was precious to watch his determination and excitement.

We aren’t really any closer to being able to tie our shoes, but I’m smiling a lot more watching his personality of caution and determination break through.