Leavin’ on a jet plane

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Mom leaves tomorrow.

I have considered hiding her driver’s license so that she cannot get on the plane, but daddy really misses her. I guess I’ll let her head home 😉

Mom has a way of encouraging me and coming up beside me to help with everything. She offers gentle guidance when she sees me at a loss for what to do next.

Last week, I shared with her that I feel like Nate gets lost in the shuffle sometimes. He is such a happy and easy kid. He is funny and kind and doesn’t need much. She suggested that I remember his language of love. For Nate, his language of love is physical touch. Every night before bed, when he was much younger, I would rub his back until he fell asleep.

He now sleeps on the top bunk, which means he doesn’t get his back scratched any more. This week, I tried to take every chance I could to give him a hug, squeeze his hand, or ruffle his hair. I’ve noticed him slow down a little and tell me a few extra stories this week.

I’m really thankful that mom took a chance and gave me some guidance. I’m thankful I wasn’t too proud or stubborn to shrug it off.

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I’m thankful for these big brown eyes. I’m thankful that he became a big brother this year. I’m thankful for his heart that loves every one he meets and lights up their world with his smile.