Let them celebrate you

A few weeks ago, I was at a double birthday party for some dear friends. My sweet friend, Jenet, leaned over to me and asked when my baby shower would be. I told her that I had been saying ‘no’ to all offers for a shower. We’ve been blessed with tons of hand me downs and gifts. I didn’t want to put anyone out or have anyone go to all that work.

She took both my hands and calmly said, “you need to let people celebrate you. This isn’t about you. It’s about them having the opportunity to show you their joy and shower you with love.”

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I was immediately humbled and those words began to stir inside my heart. I felt a little guilty for saying no to friends and decided to say yes next time someone asked. (My interior dialogue said that no one else would ask, so I’d be off the hook).

Well, that week, my sweet MOPS table and my friend, Cindy, from church decided to celebrate. I had no choice but to say yes.

I’m not very comfortable with all eyes on me. I feel clumsy and tongue tied.

But more than anything – I feel loved. People who have come along side me with kindness and tenderness during this time are true treasures. It was so nice to hit the pause button and celebrate.

So thank you, Jenet, for reminding me to let people be a blessing. Thank you for reminding me to let people love you and celebrate you. It’s a true gift.