Letting go

Have you ever let go of something, maybe a beautiful dream, because the Lord prompted you to?

Then, after you let go, you found reasons and ways that you could still do it with your own strength, so you snatched it back up and told yourself that the timing was right or that situations had changed or that you now had His permission to go forward, only to feel a nagging in your heart?

Anxiety replaced the peace you found in laying it down.

Striving replaced the rest you felt when let it go.

Convincing yourself that it was still a good idea was easy. After all, it was your idea to begin with. Right? Right.

Today I found myself two weeks into my own plans when a dear friend (thank you, Lauren) confided in me about anxiety. Her gentle voice was the glaring alarm my heart was looking for. She spoke truthfully, vulnerably, clearly. As soon as she said the words out-loud, I knew what I had done in my heart.

My open hands had reached out and grabbed the precious thing that the Lord had asked me to put down. Admitting it out-loud to her was the first step. I pulled over and we prayed together as I sat on the phone in the parking lot.

I pray you all have a friend like Lauren who reminds you that this world is His – and His plans for us are so much bigger than where we live or what shiny precious thing we are chasing.