{Life Made Lovely Monday}


Sweet Baby J had the honor of being Lub Dub at school last week.

Lub Dub is the mascot for Jump Rope for Heart.

To “audition” for Lub Dub, she had to write a one page essay on heart health. She worked so very hard on this essay. I was so happy for her when she told me that she had been chosen!

On Thursday, she dressed up as Lub Dub and walked around to all the classes. Nate the Great was completely pumped that she was Lub Dub.

After the pep rally for Jump Rope for Heart, the baton twirler gaver her a rose.

She was so proud and carefully handed it to me as she got off the bus that day.

We picked out the perfect vase when she got home.

We talked about how to care for roses to make them last a little longer.

Each day since, I’ve seen her smile as she walks past that rose on the kitchen counter.