Love, Loss, and Awareness

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The day comes each year, October 15th. It is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day.

Olivia, Isaiah, Matthew, Violet, Samuel, Alice, and Susan wait for us in heaven.

The further I get from the dates of the miscarriage, the less qualified I feel to speak of these losses. But then, today comes. And I meet someone new that has gone through a loss and they need to know that they are not alone. They need to know that time passes. They need to know that healing happens.

For me, healing happens every time I say their names or tell my story. The bitterness softens and the tight grip I hold opens.

Last week, I was talking with a friend at my children’s school. Somehow, the topic of miscarriage came up. They have two little ones in heaven, waiting. He shared that not a day goes by that he doesn’t talk to them and give them a job.

I asked him what he meant by a job. He said, that they are members of the family and they have chores just like his other children. They are to pray for the family. They are to lift up their brothers and sisters with specific prayers every day.

I love this. What an amazing truth. Yes, they are still members of the family. Yes, they have work to do!

So children, I ask you, please pray for your brothers and sisters that are here with us. Pray for their wisdom and protection.

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With love,

Your mom