Mom and Dad and lessons on giving

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Mom and dad came to visit last week. It was so good for my soul.

They are the most generous people you have ever met. They are generous with their time and their love and their finances and their talents.

They give with absolutely no questions asked and no expectations. Growing up, I watched them open our home to the homeless, to family that needed help, and foster children. Not once, did I hear them complain. They know, without question, that they’ve been given blessings to pour into others. And they do.

There are times that I’ve questioned their generosity. Something that they’ve done doesn’t make sense to me at all. I get protective of their blessings, as if they were mine to protect. But then, my dad looks at me and just smiles. He says, “I can’t take it with me.”

I’ve watched them work so hard to build up what they have. And now, I’m watching them give it all away.

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They are full of joy and love to make people feel welcome. Dad will talk to anyone who stands still. He’ll tell them stories of our genealogy or of Texas history, and within five minutes, he has a new friend for life. Mom’s gift is with children. She is a retired teacher and can make any child feel like they are the smartest, funniest kid in the room.

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I asked them to take some pictures with the kids. It quickly digressed.

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And then dad took over the direction. I think they are pointing at Murphy?

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Sweet Mary Alice is like – “Mom, are you sure we are related?”