Nate’s 15th Birthday

My dearest Nate,

In true Nate fashion, today was laid back, joyful, silly, and relaxed.

We ordered takeout from Cheesecake Factory and shared a mountain of pasta. (excellent choice)

I looked up after we put all the littles to bed and you were eating the derby pie that you had cut for yourself with a big smile on your face. There were no candles, no photoshoot, and no loud birthday song for the 371st time today. As I teased you that you had cut your own piece of the pie, you sweetly ran over and checked to see if I was actually upset or just kidding. You kissed me on the head and went back to eating your pie.

The day you were born, you followed every rule – other having to be kicked out at week 41. You came into the world easily and sweetly. You have always gone with the flow and made everyone feel at home. Your joy and passion are contagious. I love seeing the man you are becoming. I’ve watched from the sidelines as you are learning how to debate with a skillful patience. Hearing your thoughts on religion and politics is one of my greatest joys. I never thought that you and I would have a love for debate in common. Oh you get me so worked up about issues, and I adore those times we can talk and talk and hammer it all out just to start over tomorrow.

You quietly help with laundry. You’ve learned to take care of the pool. You’ve mastered free running and backflips. I can’t wait to see where this next year takes you. I love you so.