Photography and Storytelling

As a photographer, one of my favorite things is storytelling. One of my favorite things is to meet up with a friend and tell their stories in pictures.

I met Heather a few years ago at a Mom’s Night Out event. We were at Buffalo Wild Wings and I only knew the hostess. She sat me down next to Heather, and we had a great conversation about motherhood, blogging, and working outside the home. If I remember correctly, I think we even shared dinner. Since then, we run into each other at events and get togethers. She is so welcoming and kind.

A few weeks ago, she shared on Facebook that her daughter donated her hair to children with cancer. When she returned to school the next week, her classmates made fun of her new short hair. It was heartbreaking to read. Heather asked her sweet daughter if she should cut her hair, too.

We decided to celebrate with a cupcake date.

Here is their story in pictures…








Heather wrote the entire story on her blog. Head over for Gaby’s sweet story!