Pictures from before the world shut down

I don’t have any exact reason.

I am not sure why I held these pictures close to my heart and didn’t share them here.

But I know that I couldn’t stop smiling today when I looked at them, finally editing pictures that were taken in 2020. This was in February. That means that Riley about to turn 10, Mary Alice was about to turn 5, and Sebastian was about to turn 3.

Cactus park was only a ten minute drive from our house and it was one of my absolute favorite parks to take the kiddos to.

The joy and absolute childlike perfection in these pictures reminds me why I pick up my camera. I am so thankful for these memories of a world that didn’t think twice about letting kids play together for hours at the park without hand sanitizer. I am so thankful for these smiles that fill up my days with laughter and keep me from taking myself far too seriously.

Thank you, Lord, for these amazing blessings.

Thank you for this beautiful glimpse at how they have grown and a sweet reminder that we made it to the other side of some of the hardest years I’ve ever known.