Pretty Pretty Cindy and my friend Cindy

It was so fun to tell you about my friend, Jenna, last week. I wanted to tell you about someone else! It’s so fun to brag on my ridiculously talented friends without them knowing. It makes me giddy.

Today, I want to tell you about Cindy. She was my first friend here in the desert. She is our music director’s wife. Julia and Nate are almost the same age as their two kiddos. She has two blogs and is an amazingly talented seamstress!

She has an etsy shop with the cutest handmade baby things, but the thing I have to tell you about is the nursing pillow she made. Seriously, I’m in love with mine. It has velcro, so you can wrap it around your arm or lay it flat. It is so comfortable and easy to use. I could never get comfortable with other nursing aids, but this is the perfect height to relax your arm and get cozy. I have a tendency to tense up and tighten my shoulders when I nurse. The pillow makes it so easy to relax and be comfortable!

Cindy, I just love how talented you are! Thank you for how you love my family and thank you for being such a great friend!