Puerto Peñasco, Mexico – continued and finale

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When I woke up the second day, I laid in bed blinking in the sunlight. I suddenly remembered that I was in Puerto Peñasco, Mexico! I jumped up and we all got ready to head to El Malecon (Old Town) to shop and eat. We had an amazing breakfast by the Sea of Cortez. The breeze was cool and refreshing as we ate the best pancakes I’ve ever had with real butter. Brian is still talking about his omelette and how much he enjoyed it.

In El Malecon, the fish market is on one side and the shops are on the other. I thought I would feel very pressured to buy things, but the shop owners were very respectful and kind. When I would say, “no thank you”, they smiled and allowed me to browse. I had been nervous about that, because I do not enjoy confrontation or haggling over prices, but I had an absolutely pleasant experience.

Julia found a beautiful green cape that looks stunning on her! I found vanilla – real vanilla – and cannot wait to make banana bread with it! There was sterling silver jewelry, hand-painted toys for little ones, and hand carved wooden rosaries.


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After shopping for a bit, we headed back to Princesa De Peñasco to enjoy the beach again! Anticipating the sunset kept me keeping an eye on the clock! I wanted the kids to see the sun sink like a rock into the sea. I wanted them to really see how quickly it goes there at the end.

Sitting on the beach, watching them enjoy each other, just waiting for the sun to say goodnight is a memory I’ll always treasure.

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The next day, Brian took the older two four wheeling and I put Riley down for a nap. I was finally able to finish Bloom and decided to grab my telephoto lens and play around taking pictures of the sea on the balcony.

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An entire school of dolphins passed by diving and playing as I snapped away. I held my breath and was so thankful for this very special trip.

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Disclosure: My family was given a dream weekend at the Princesa De Peñasco. The opinions expressed here are my own. I am so thankful for companies that work with me to provide quality products for my readers and my family. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”