Rejoice in the Lord always

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“Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say, Rejoice!” Philippians 4:4

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Grandma always said that when you aren’t exactly sure what to say, you should just Praise Him.

Today was a long day. A little not great news at the doctor. I’ve been overly tired since the miscarriage. I need a few more tests and junk.

All is well, but you know – just a long day.

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Murphy decided to be my buddy.

He stayed right by my side all day and helped me check email and watched for the kids to come home.

And you know what… it works. Grandma’s advice always works.

When I don’t know what to say or think, I just lean back and breathe and find something to be thankful for. Truth is ~ I have a ton to be thankful for. Julia, Nate, Brian, my momma…

Tonight while I was waiting for Julia during piano lessons, I just rolled down the window and listened to the palm trees in the wind.

He is with us. He is with us always. He loves us and wants the absolute best for us.

Whatever you are struggling with, however you are hurting… He loves you deeply.

