Remembering Thanksgiving 2013


There are times I try too hard with this blog. Ever so often, I’m given wonderful opportunities that help support my family or provide funds for adoption. But sometimes, I let those run away with my blog.

I want to always remember why I began this blog. I want to create a memory for my family. I want to share our adventures with other parts of our family. I want to nurture and cultivate the connections I’ve made in this beautiful blog-land.

So, before I forget, I’d love to share my Thanksgiving with you. Pull up a chair and let’s flip through the photo album together.


Lots and lots of sabakiball.



Mom’s sweet place settings for all of our veterans.



Over 20 at mamma’s house this year (missing a few of all ages due to nap time).


My brother’s new dog TeaCup. I’m pretty sure she was held the entire weekend. Riley promptly renamed her HairCut. It was awesome. She is the sweetest little thing ever and let Riley carry her around all weekend.


The hood of dad’s truck as a tripod. Saying goodbye to my grandparents as they drove back to Corpus. So glad we were all able to get in the picture. And – I didn’t trip once during the ten second run to get in the picture. Huge success.


Some of Brian’s family came over on Saturday! Riley was smitten with Baby James. We all were!

Have a great day!
