Requiescat Spa {Rest}

At first I felt a little silly about sharing this with you. But I remembered that this blog is a scrapbook for my family and I wanted to document their sweetness, so I decided that I’m writing it down.

Riley goes down for a nap around 12 pm and he sleeps for about an hour. I’ve been trying to lay down at the same time. When he gets up, he comes into my room to let me know that nap-time is over. On Thursday, I woke up in a panic at 2:40pm. Was Riley still sleeping? Why didn’t I hear anyone? I opened my door to the kids playing quietly and soft, relaxing music.


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The kids had set up a spa for me! They laid down a beach towel, had a bucket of water for me to soak my feet in, and six different types of lotion. Julia gave me a pedicure, complete with one of her fun toe designs.

I felt like a queen and leaned back and smiled as my toes dried.

Then, I walked into the next room – that was covered in an entire family pack of cotton balls. Riley said it looked ‘frozen’. Back to reality very quickly.

So, there you have it – the metronome of parenting. We all swing to one side, absolutely positive that the world has never been more beautiful or more caring. Then, we wonder how on earth we are going to ever keep up.

We let laundry, dinner, carpool, schedules, runny noses, and potty training consume our minds with worry, and we smile when our kids throw their arms around us and say ‘Good morning, moms!’ (Yes, moms – this summer they’ve decided that is my nickname).

It’s a beautiful ride and it has (and continues) to stretch me into a calmer, more caring person. I’m going to keep on writing it down so that I don’t forget the sweetness.

Have a great week everyone!
