Review – YesComUSA – Studio Tent Kit

YesComUSA - Studio Tent Kit-1a

Disclosure:  I was sent a Studio Tent Kit by YesComUSA to review. The opinions expressed here are my own. I am so thankful for companies that work with me to provide quality products for my readers and my family. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

A studio tent kit has been on my wish list for a very long time. When it comes to taking a photograph for a blog post, if I forget during the day, I am out of luck. You should have seen the set up I do every time in my kitchen. I would take this huge tri-fold white room divider and lay out white dish towels everywhere. You can imagine how much fun that is trying to get three littles ready for bed.

When YesComUSA sent me this kit, I waited for Brian to get home to help me open the box and set it up. Assembly is not my thing. Let me just tell you – I totally could have done this by myself in less than five minutes. It was so easy!

It comes with everything you need – different backgrounds, lamps, replacement bulbs, and a phone holder! I absolutely loved it! I will definitely be using this all the time for my product and blog photography.

YesComUSA - Studio Tent Kit-1ab



If you are a photographer or have a photographer on your list that you still need a gift for – this is the perfect thing! I absolutely love it!

Thank you, YesComUSA for allowing me to try out this studio tent kit! It is my favorite Christmas present so far!