Riley’s 7th Birthday – Just Add Sprinkles

Thank you all so much for your sweet comments and texts and emails yesterday. Today was much better. Just knowing that we are able to get over the speed bump more quickly than we have in the past is so hopeful. My dear friend (and adoptive mama) Nancy, reminded me of the importance of keeping my eyes on his future and that God chose us to be his family. That his name was written in Julia’s baby book reminds me that this is the plan. And it’s my job to remember that His plan is always better than mine.


Tonight, Riley’s great-aunt Tia came over and we celebrated with a steak dinner! Riley requested chips and queso, so I gladly added that to the menu. (Tia is one of the biggest blessings in our lives. She has adopted all of us and become part of our family. She is my cheerleader, my afternoon nap saver, my last minute carpool help, and my connection to the rest of Riley’s beautiful birth family.)

When I was little, my mom would make us ice cream cone cupcakes. They were always such a special birthday treat.

The very first day Riley came over to spend time with me, we made banana bread. he loved pouring and mixing and helping. Hoping to do something together that we would both enjoy, I decided we would attempt mom’s famous dessert.

Mary Alice decided she needed to help, too. He was so great with her and gentle with the instructions.

I think he enjoyed being able to instruct the process. Sometimes, we all need to feel like we are in control, right?

(And yes, that is a bath mat on the back counter. Doesn’t every home have that going on?)

Riley was so proud and couldn’t wait to help us eat all of them.

I couldn’t help but notice that Mary Alice is the same age that Riley was that first day. Oh goodness. The little fingers, the desire to help in the kitchen, and the excitement of creating something come together for a perfect moment.

A few years ago, in my MOPS group, I heard this beautiful talk about adding sprinkles. When things are going wrong, just add sprinkles. When they won’t eat their veggies, just add sprinkles. When they won’t touch the chicken… you got it! Just add sprinkles. Tonight we frosted and sprinkled and made silly noises as I begged for a smile.

And there it is, his million dollar smile, complete with dimples. Happy birthday, Riley. We love you so much.