Sea Life, Arizona

Disclosure:  I was given tickets for my family to visit Sea Life Arizona. The opinions expressed here are my own. I am so thankful for companies that work with me to provide quality products for my readers and my family. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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**Photos taken with my iPhone in very low light**

Last Monday, I took mom and Riley to Sea Life Arizona. I knew mom would love watching Riley wander through. Mom is from Corpus Christi, so water is one of her favorite things.

The staff is great with Riley. They were all so sweet to him and smiled when he kept showing everyone his stamp.

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Riley loves this turtle. He could stand there for hours and just walk back and forth with him as he swims by.

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I kinda love how Riley’s hand is on his hip as he listens to her explain all about starfish. He is such a grown up two year old. He is the sweetest.

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In many of the tanks, they have little places where you can put your head up into a plastic dome and look through at the fish and other creatures coming toward you. Riley loved this part.

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Sea Life has this hallway that literally walks through the ocean. You are surrounded by sharks and stingrays and fish. He kept walking through saying ‘I’m in the ocean!’. Even after we went into the next exhibit, he went back just to walk through one more time.

Then, he told me that Mrs. Martin from Caillou would love this part. (Cute overload!)

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At the very end of the exhibit is a playground. There are benches for parents and tables stocked with paper and crayons. We drew our favorite parts of the exhibit.

We treated ourselves to the food court just outside of Sea Life and headed home for naps. It made the perfect morning escape. I can’t wait to visit in the summer. It will be a perfect break from the heat.