Sebastian Two Months Old

Sebastian turned two months old on the 10th. Someday, I will get the pictures uploaded closer to the actual day!

He is such a precious little boy. He doesn’t really cry – he makes these little coos to let us know that he needs something. It is so endearing. He’s already smiling and laughing at his siblings, who are smitten with him. He found his hand the other day, and was quite impressed with himself.

He loves to be swaddled and is sleeping 5-6 hours in a row pretty regularly, which I am incredibly grateful for.

Some days, the stars align and the angels sing and I’m able to time his nap with Mary Alice’s nap. One day, I’ll have this down, but we are still practicing. I love how babies slow me down. I love how I get lost in the sweetness of nursing and singing and watching Mary Alice play and I loose another morning.

Yes, some days are crazytown. Yes, some days I’m pretty sure I deserve a gold medal for getting to the grocery store and getting the groceries put away all myself. Yes, some days I look up and the house looks like 25 screaming monkeys have run through the house. Some days I’m covered in spit up and I haven’t brushed my hair, but I know it will pass so quickly. For now, I’ll just look into those cute eyes and be completely happy being a mess.