Sharing & Caring + Smart & Final

When Collective Bias asked me to participate in a Smart & Final, sharing & caring shopping opportunity, I absolutely said ‘yes’.

Collective Bias and Smart & Final asked me to think of someone who could use a little extra help this holiday season.


I knew exactly who I wanted to help out.

I have a friend, who is the kind of person who lights up the room when they walk in. You would never know it, but this sweet lady has had one of the roughest years I’ve ever heard of. Medical bills are piling up…. Cars are not running… they are just barely getting by.

I would be shipping whatever I purchased, so I wanted to be sure that the items I chose weren’t too heavy. I had no problem finding an entire cart full of items I wanted to send…


Do you know anyone this season who needs a little extra help? Anyone who had a few unexpected medical bills or a longer unemployement than they expected?

Smart & Final has rows full of great deals.




Since we work on the same team (even though we are in different states), I know that she works through lunch a lot, so I wanted her to have some options that she could leave at her desk.

I chose one box of granola bars (the 48 count), the strawberry Knots cookies (every girl loves strawberry, right?!), a few boxes of popcorn ~ then for her home, some new kitchen towels, fabric softener (one of those things that gets skipped when we are all on a tight budget), napkins, and some kitchen utensils.

Thank you, Collective Bias and Smart & Final, for this wonderful opportunity! I am honored to work with a company that likes to pay it forward.

Disclaimer:   I was compensated for my time by Collective Bias. All views and opinions are mine.