My little king. He was so handsome in his school play this year. I melted as he knelt down to give Baby Jesus his gift.
We had decided to try and take Mary Alice to the school Christmas pageant, even though we were risking bedtime.
Happy faces and snacks were everywhere, so we were doing great.
I took Mary Alice outside between Riley’s song and the big kids song.
And then it happened. Mary was running in a little field and slipped. She was laughing, so I didn’t worry too much about what happened. Then, I realized, she had slid into a huge pile of mud. I gingerly carried her inside and looked around.
I took her into the bathroom and was met by understanding moms and sweet friends. I thought I might be able to save the dress, but as I lifted it up, I realized the mud went all the way up her back to her hair. After joking about how thankful we were that it wasn’t poop, we all laughed as we washed her off in the sink and wrapped her in a friends swaddling blanket. Thankfully, Riley had worn his sweater that night, so she spent the rest of the evening in a very stylish sweater dress.
With Julia, I probably would have cried, but now I am old enough to know these things happen. Especially during a school performance. And especially when there are no extra clothes in the car. And absolutely when you are pushing bedtime already.
I hope your Christmas is very, very Merry and that a little mud doesn’t slow you down!