Spring is Blooming with JORD – Review: Wood Watches by JORD

Disclosure: I received the products from JORD Wood Watches to facilitate my review. It is my honor to share news with you from a company that I enjoy and support! #jordwatch

I first noticed these beautiful watches on instagram a few months ago. A few of my favorite people were wearing them and they were absolutely stunning. When they asked me to be on the JORD team, I was thrilled! I haven’t worn a watch for years, because I have a slight nickel allergy.

As I researched their watches, I found the following information on their website:

Nickel Allergies – JORD watches feature stainless steel (304) clasps for those who may have nickel allergies.

Isn’t that incredible?!

I chose the CORA series Zebrawood & Turquoise.

JORD provides a way to measure your wrist before you order, so that your watch arrives sized just for you.

Usually I check my phone for the time, but since we have a new driver in the house, I’ve been making an effort to leave my phone in the diaper bag to be a good example for her. I want to make sure I’m only looking at my phone when I’m at home or parked, never while driving. The watch makes it so much easier for me to do this.

Brian was sweet enough to take a few pictures for me. It’s a little hard for me to feel beautiful at 35 weeks pregnant, but he did an awesome job! He kept pointing out how the watch matched my eyes. His compliments were the perfect Valentine’s Day present.

Thank you, JORD for making this expectant mom feel beautiful!

Be sure to enter JORD’s giveaway {Click Here} The giveaway will close 03/19/2017 at 11:59pm.

• Every person who enters will be entered to win a $100 gift code to use on the JORD site! One lucky person will win, but everyone will receive a consolation code worth $25 once the contest ends!

Both the $100 and the $25 codes will expire on 05/31/2017.

Luxury Wooden Watch