Straight Talk on Straight Teeth with Invisalign

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

Last summer, we were told that Nate would need an orthodontic consultation. This February, we were told that Julia needs one as well. Brian and I always joked that our kids would probably need braces. Early in our friendship, Brian and I bonded over our headgear experiences. I wore braces and headgear at night. I then wore a retainer for my bottom teeth until college. I’m not sure who is more nervous about their braces consultation.

Granted, I was pretty adorable in braces – even resembling Drew Barrymore!



If there was anything I could do to help them avoid this altogether, I would. I remember my lips and gums always being cut after an adjustment. It was definitely not my favorite high school memory.

Earlier this year, I was invited to a mini blog conference with the SITS girls. It was hosted by Invisalign. This was the perfect opportunity to lean more about this innovative alternative to braces. Invisalign had a presentation debunking many of the common myths. Brian sent me with a list of concerns that we had gathered over the past year, while considering what treatment path to take with Nate.

Invisalign compare to braces

As they went over the list of common misconceptions, these were the most fascinating to me:

  • Myth: Invisalign can only treat minor or cosmetic issues.

Setting it Straight: Invisalign effectively treats a wide variety of orthodontic issues including severe bite issues. From underbite to crossbite, deepbite to overbite and overly crowded to widely spaced, advancements to Invisalign’s patented technology continues to increase the complexity of issues that can be treated.

  • Myth: I won’t be able to tell if my child is wearing Invisalign often enough for it to be effective.

Setting it Straight: Invisalign Teen aligners are made with small blue dots, officially called compliance indicators, that gradually fade as aligners are worn. It’s a quick visual check for parents and teens to confirm they wearing aligners long enough to get results. In fact, clinical data from orthodontists confirms that teens wear their aligners an average of 21 hours per day, just as recommended.

invisalign results fix overbite_alice

I came home and went over the information with Brian, and will now be considering Invisalign as an alternative to traditional braces.

So, what is my next step? I called the orthodontist who was referred by my dentist referred and confirmed that he does also offer Invisalign treatment. In the next few weeks, we will be going in for a consultation. I also confirmed with our insurance that Invisalign treatment would be covered at the same percentage as traditional braces.

Be sure to stay connected with them:

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You can use Invisalign’s Doctor Locator to find Invisalign Providers.

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