This summer…

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This summer is flying by. How are we half way through already?

I’ve done a terrible job of documenting what we’ve done and how we are doing. (Grandparents, I’m so sorry!)

The first week, we were at home. We spent the week cleaning and purging and it was great! I’m sure the house is at least 100 pounds lighter.

The second week, Riley went to his first Vacation Bible School and loved it! The CD from that week is still in our car and he sings the songs with complete hand motions! Adorable. That week, Nate had music camp and Julia was a helper at music camp. Bless her heart, she had to serve lunch to the little each day – that was work.

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Week three was Vacation Bible School at our parish. It was amazing. My dear friend, Betty, was Riley’s teacher and Julia was a helper in his room. He woke up each morning, got dressed, and asked when we were going to ‘chool’. Since VBS didn’t start until 9:30am and it was only 5:30am, I had many mornings that I had the opportunity to explain why on earth people wouldn’t be at school quite yet.

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And now this week… we have slowed down – almost to a complete stop.

Riley has croop. Poor baby. He sounds like a barking seal. Brian took last night and tonight will be my night. I’m bracing for it by chocolate loading. It’s like carb loading for a marathon. Weird but necessary.


It’s been an amazing summer so far. I feel more in the groove of being a mom of three.

The next two weeks look very similar – low key, events here or there, and just being bored – the best kind of summer!