Summer 2016

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Sisters. They really like each other. When Mary Alice is upset, there are times she just goes straight to Julia. So incredibly precious.

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Those little curls. They make me happy.

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My little red fox has become quite the swimmer this summer. Have I told you that story? On our way back from Texas, a medicine woman from the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community sitting behind us. She was so wonderful with Mary Alice and Riley. She called Riley her “little red fox” all the way home. He pretended to be annoyed, but I could see his little dimple whenever she said it. I’ve adopted the nickname for him. I think it is perfect.

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This man of mine. I hardly ever get to take pictures of him, but I’ve got to remember to take more. The way he loves our children is perfectly humbling. He gives them every last ounce. He is the calm one and the fun one. It’s so incredible to watch this man I’ve known since 11th grade be the most wonderful father. And, he’s incredibly handsome. Just sayin’.

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This guy. today, I looked behind me at the store to see why a man was talking to my children. Um, it was Nate. His voice has changed and it completely catches me off guard. He is such a cutie.

Summer of 2016, you’ve been so good to us.