Sunday nights…

#Butterfly Wonderland-13

Sunday nights are usually very low key around here. I like it.

We have a sit down dinner and talk over the next week. Brian and I try to be honest about what we are worried about with the kids. They pray the most beautiful prayers for us and it let’s them know how this next week will look. This week is pretty exciting for me.

I’ll be at the Phoenix Open on Tuesday as a guest and blogger.

I’ll be there on Wednesday as a photographer.

I am excited and nervous and amazed. I am so blessed and can’t believe the opportunities that I have.

As we were going around the dinner table, it was fascinating to listen.

Julia is worried about a history test.

Nate is worried about rugby.

Brian isn’t worried about anything (I just love him – this is why I married him – he just rolls with it.)

And Riley:

“Well, let’s see. There’s a dragon right there. because. well. it’s over there. i will ride my tricycle. then i will jump. it’s ok.”

So, this week, let’s just jump – and it will all be ok!

Proverbs 12:25
An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up.

Love you all! Have a blessed week,
