The 40th Anniversary Celebration…


This year marked my parents 40th anniversary.

My brother and I planned a small, come and go at their church in The Woodlands, Texas.


The RSVPs came pouring in and people spent a beautiful Saturday morning coming by to say hello and congratulations to my parents.


My parents have spent their first 40 years loving and laughing, giving and caring.

They pour out themselves as foster parents, volunteers and mentors.

They ask absolutely nothing in return.





{I loved watching all the cousins play together in the hallway}

My parents have given me such an amazing foundation.

I admire their great love for each other.

I pray that my own marriage is just as full of kindness, trust, fidelity and honor.

My father, during my dating years, told me to watch for two things in a spouse:

  • to find a hard worker
  • to watch how they treat their family ~ because that will show you how they will treat you

These are the things I held close to my heart.

I can tell you that I followed this advice and have been granted the most marvelous husband.


I love you, Mom and Dad!

I am the luckiest girl in the world.

~ Baby Girl