The hand me down friend

I have a sweet friend in my life who drops beautiful hand me downs off at my gate. They are treasured and special and I love seeing my kids in them.

She is a little further down this motherhood road than I am. Clothes aren’t the only thing she hands out.

When I’m at my wits end and I’m pretty sure I’m the only one who’s ever felt a certain way, I reach out to her and she reassures me that I’m not alone. We laugh about the funny things and the hard things and the in between things. She reminds me that my job as mom is to make sure that my children just know they are loved and safe and are children of God. She reminds me to make sure that I’m not just getting through each day but that I am working hard to make beautiful memories and moments along the way.

This sweet girl reminds me every day to find joy. She can find joy in 2.8 seconds flat. She might see a fire truck or a little beetle or a toy airplane, and she’s all smiles. Her heart bubbles over with giggles. I am so thankful for her. She keeps us on our toes and she loves us all fiercely. One of my friends recently wrote about the sweet feisty second born girls. She reminded me about the Laura Ingalls and the Marianne Dashwoods of this world. It made me smile widely, shaking my head in affirmation that yes, my sweet Mary Alice certainly fits that role. How lucky are we?

Maybe you are the mom who is just a little further down the road than someone. Trust me, they’d love your company and your words of encouragement!